Rather than control being in one central (centralised) place it is spread out into many (decentralised) without a central position.

For example, electricity comes from the grid which is one system or one controlling mechanism but roof-top solar panels ostensibly disconnects from the grid, disconnects from one central control to become decentralised - control is decentralised to the many. The more houses with solar panels the more decentralised we become, reducing demand on the grid and thus reducing control of the centralised system.

The hunter-gatherers of Earth were the original decentralised foragers until around 11,000 years ago when agriculture and farming emerged and the shift to centralised life began. In Australia we still have some small Aboriginal 'outback' communities living a decentralised subsistent lifestyle, but most people live in large centralised towns and cities.

The advent of blockchain allows the decentralisation of money, a move away from a centralised banking system. The methodology of blockchain does not need a governing body, the system checks itself with an intricate array of computers.

People can make their own solar power and blockchain enables everyone to become their own bank. The move towards decentralisation, is a move towards self reliance. Choosing to live off-grid, and off the central banking system is affording a new independence.

Realising an off-grid autarkic way of life whilst maintaining modern standards is not for the pale hearted invoking a new pioneering spirit to acquire no less than the basics of power, water, food, health and communications.

Solar panels can deliver power, Elon Musk is (or will be) delivering satellite communications. Permaculture for food but health resources and potable water require further demanding skills. To be fair, living completely off-the-grid autarkic or completely decentralised is for the really really brave but we can indulge and tip our toes so to speak.

The last few Covid years has introduced a domino effect. Quarantining, restricting people to home has affected supply chains and the first (in Australia) was toilet paper. People panicked but in the 3rd year of Covid the distribution of food is faltering. In Australia rain has devastated whole cities and destroyed crops, the Ukraine war and government shutdowns over non-climate change friendly fertilisers has farmers in Europe protesting. Food is disrupted.

The ramification of Covid has spread across the global affecting all areas of our lives leaving voids of uncertainty. A new era of change is demanding new ways of interpreting the world and decentralisation has solutions to accomodate a new way of life.

Whether it's installing solar panels, growing food or buying Bitcoin - you can't help embrace a more decentralised lifestyle. Being able to address rising prices with decentral mechanisms places us on the road to a more sustainable decentralised lifestyle.


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Decentralised Living.

Centralised or Decentralised
That is the Question!